Are You Sedated When Putting in Dental Implants?
Sedation and Dental Implants
Types of Sedation in Dentistry
Local Anesthesia: Applied through a numbing shot or topical gel, this method eliminates sensation and pain in a specific area. The patient remains fully awake but may experience numbness and tingling at the site.
Deep Sedation: Typically achieved with an IV, this method induces a sleeplike state, though the patient can still be easily awakened. The medication cause amnesia so you may not remember the procedure.
Moderate Sedation: Achieved using laughing gas, this level keeps the patient relaxed but awake and we can also use a pill to help relax you even more.
Choosing the Right Sedation Level
Before your procedure, your oral surgeon will meet with you to discuss the available sedation options. For the placement of one or two dental implants, minimal to moderate sedation is usually sufficient. If you experience severe dental anxiety, a deeper form of sedation may be more appropriate. It’s important to communicate your concerns and comfort level with your dentist or oral surgeon.
For more extensive dental implant surgeries such for all on X procedures, IV sedation is often preferred. This method helps minimize pain and anxiety.
Topeka Oral Surgery is here to help you -
We welcome the opportunity to discuss sedation options and provide recommendations as we develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Visit our office in Topeka, Kansas, or call us today to schedule your free consultation with Topeka Oral Surgery by filling out the form below.