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What You Need to know About Effects of Thumb Sucking on Teeth

According to Topeka Oral Surgery, Thumbsucking is a natural habit for babies. It gives them comfort and helps them relax. Most kids suck their thumbs, pacifiers, or toys from time to time, which is usually not a problem. But sometimes, when the habit continues for too long, it can cause serious dental issues with eruption patterns of teeth.

When Should Kids Stop Sucking Their Thumbs?

For babies and toddlers, thumbsucking is normal and harmless. However, by the age of three, it’s important to start helping them break the habit. After this age, thumbsucking becomes more forceful and can lead to dental problems. Most dentists agree that kids should stop sucking their thumbs before they turn four.

Oral Health Problems from Thumbsucking

The risk of dental issues depends on how often and how hard a child sucks their thumb, and how long the habit lasts. While thumbsucking can affect baby teeth, the main concern is with the permanent teeth that come in later. According to the American Dental Association, sucking thumbs after the permanent teeth come in can affect the alignment of the teeth and the way the bite fits together. The thumb can push the top front teeth forward, preventing them from meeting the bottom teeth when the mouth is closed. This creates an anterior open bite. This can also impact the shape of the roof of the mouth and the overall development of the mouth’s structure.

Tips for Stopping Thumbsucking

To avoid these dental problems, it’s best to help kids stop thumbsucking before they turn four. Here are some tips:

  • Distract them: Notice when your child tends to suck their thumb and offer a distraction, like a toy or activity.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Praise your child when they don’t suck their thumb, rather than scolding them when they do. A reward system with stickers or small prizes can also motivate them.
  • Try covering the thumb: You can use a foul-tasting nail polish or simply cover the thumb with a bandage, sock, or glove to discourage the habit.
  • Be patient: If your child continues to suck their thumb, don’t worry too much. Most kids stop on their own by the time they start school.

Topeka Oral Surgery is Here to Help

If you’re concerned about how thumbsucking may have affected your child’s teeth, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional. Topeka Oral Surgery can create a treatment plan that works for both you and your child to avoid potential surgery in the future.

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