Do Not: Eat or drink anything the morning of your surgery or for at least eight hours before. You can take your medication with a small amount of water. Avoid using straws or tobacco until 72 hrs after recovery, as straws can cause a painful condition called “dry socket.”
Do: Stock up on soft, easy-to-eat foods like ice cream, applesauce, soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, milkshakes, smoothies, and oatmeal. After surgery, start with clear liquids and gradually move to soft foods after 3 days.
Do Not: Plan to exercise, go to work or school, or do any housework or homework immediately post operatively.
Do: Have pain medication (over-the-counter or prescription, if needed) ready for when the anesthesia wears off. Keep ice packs in your freezer to help with swelling. We recommend two ibuprofen and 1 Tylenol pill to be taken together 4 times daily. Then if still having pain – then we recommend to supplement with the Narcotic pain pill Q6h prn severe pain.