Additionally, avoid piping hot coffee, as the heat can dislodge the blood clot at the extraction site. This clot is crucial for proper healing. If it becomes dislodged, you may develop a dry socket—a painful condition that delays recovery. To prevent this, steer clear of hot beverages of any kind during the healing process.
Lastly, some speculate that the acidity of certain coffees can interfere with wound healing. Thus, if possible try to go 48 hrs without coffee.
Every patient heals at a different rate, so it’s difficult to provide an exact timeline. However, most patients can safely enjoy coffee about 48 hours after the extraction, assuming their recovery is progressing as expected. If you experience unusual symptoms, such as increasing pain or swelling, contact your oral surgeon immediately for advice.
Water should be your go to beverage after a tooth extraction. Staying hydrated is vital for a smooth recovery, and water is gentler on the mouth than other beverages. Avoid drinking through a straw for 72 hrs, as the suction could disturb the blood clot.